Older Adult Program

Hemet Valley Recovery Center and Sage Retreat provides addiction treatment tailored to the needs of adults over the age of 55. Our Older Adult Addiction Treatment Program helps patients to flourish in an age-specific, non-confrontational group setting.

Chemical Dependency in Older Adults

Unique Challenges

In the 55+ season of their life, the senior faces a variety of medical, psychological and social challenges. Older adult addiction to alcohol or other drugs can greatly exaggerate these pre-existing conditions. Anxiety, depression, grief, and loneliness can often be present in the lives of older adults, but if chemically dependent, they can plunge quickly into isolation and deeper depression.

A Hidden Epidemic

Until recently, alcohol and prescription drug misuse, which affects as many as 17% of older adults, was commonly ignored by health care professionals and often not identified by family members and loved ones. Prescription medication misuse is the most common substance related problem among older adults, with alcohol running a close second.

Often, healthcare providers and others attributed symptoms of substance abuse and dependency to common issues of aging, explaining away the possibility of a substance problem.

87% of older adults see a physician regularly, but it is estimated that 40% of those at risk of substance dependency are not diagnosed.

In addition, older adults are more likely to hide their substance abuse and less likely to seek professional help than others. Many are ashamed of the problem and choose not to address it. The overall result is that thousands of older adults who need treatment do not receive it. That is why we have created a specific alcohol and drug rehab for older adults here at HVRC.

Addiction Treatment for Older Adults | California Rehab for Seniors

Older Adult Addiction Treatment Program

Hemet Valley Recovery Center and Sage Retreat provide a pace and environment conducive to the individual needs and abilities of this age group. Our older adult addiction treatment program is tailored to meet the varying needs and special circumstances the older adult faces.

Patients flourish in an intimate, age specific, non-confrontational group of peers. They find comfort in being seen daily by our medical doctor, and our single-story floor plan offers many benefits for the patient who may be experiencing physical weakness or chronic pain. Our physical therapy department is conveniently located on the same floor, in the same building. Being attached to a general acute care hospital gives our patients security in knowing that if an emergent situation arises; they will receive immediate professional medical care.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends older adult treatment settings that incorporate the following six features:

  • Age-specific group treatment that is non confrontational and aims to build or rebuild the patient’s self-esteem
  • A focus on coping with depression, loneliness, and loss
  • A focus on rebuilding or establishing a social support network
  • A pace and content of treatment appropriate for the older person
  • Staff members who are interested and experienced in working with older adults
  • Linkages with medical services and other supportive services

Finding Recovery at HVRC

The adult addiction treatment program provides these features and more. Addiction treatment begins with a medical evaluation and subsequent diagnostic drug dependency testing to establish baseline health status. Detoxification protocols are adjusted for the special needs of older adults. Services are provided in a hospital setting with nursing care ratios commensurate with acute care standards. Several times per week, patients admitted to this specialized treatment program are separated into age-specific therapy groups where older adults come together exclusively with their peers. Our alcohol and drug rehab for older adults works best when the issues dealt with are congruent with the life stage of the patients.

The core program focuses on the development of a personal recovery plan that will support long term sobriety. Care is provided through an interdisciplinary treatment team that includes; physicians, registered nurses, certified counselors, psychologists, adjunctive therapists, dietitians, and if necessary physical therapists and psychiatrists. The program is provided in a facility specifically designed for the care of the older adult. The unit includes single-story construction, hospital beds with side rails, a nurse call system, outside gardens and patios.

The older adult addiction treatment program is a 30-day inpatient program, with most insurance plans covering care.

Admissions are accepted 24 hours per day, seven days a week by appointment. Assessments are free of charge and are available to anyone seeking help. Appointments are available by contacting the Admissions and Assessment Department at (866) 273-0868.

If you have concerns about an older adult in your life and don’t know how to help, please do not hesitate to contact us about our drug and alcohol rehab for older adults.

We are here to help!