New Year’s Eve is synonymous with heavy alcohol consumption. People always drink more on major holidays, but the end of the year is a time when people really let loose. That may not mean anything to the average person, but to individuals in recovery, the final hours of the year are trying. We cannot stress enough the importance of staying close to your support network in the twilight of 2017; relapse is a regular occurrence during this particular holiday.
Naturally, you’d like to start the new year on a positive note, so you’ll want to take certain steps to ensure that’s the case. Those of you in your first year of recovery will want to double your efforts by way of meetings, prayer, and meditation. If you make a point of getting to at least one meeting this Sunday, you’ll be exponentially less likely to find yourself in a situation dangerous to your recovery. It’s quite common for people to attend multiple meetings on major holidays, and with that in mind, meeting houses hold “alcathons;” that is, round the clock meetings from 12 AM to 12 AM the following day.
If you get to a meeting in the morning and again in the evening, and stay close to your support network in between, you position yourself to make it through the day without incident.
Addiction Doesn’t Observe Holidays
New Year’s Eve falls on a Sunday, and most people will not be working on Monday; however, one must continue working their program on both days. Just because you have a respite from a job, doesn’t mean you get paid time off from working a program of recovery. Always keep in mind that your disease is ready to strike the second you become complacent about your program. One must remain ever vigilant in keeping their condition at bay.
Cured is not a word in the recovery lexicon; we can only manage use disorders, which are a severe mental illness, through continued spiritual maintenance and a commitment to adhere to the principles of recovery. With that in mind, please treat the coming holiday as you would any other day in recovery. Stick to your usual routine as best as possible; any single deviation could be a slippery slope toward relapse. If you usually pray and meditate in the morning, do so on Sunday. If you attend a specific meeting on a regular basis, be present during the holiday.
Your support network is in recovery too, which means that they will want to stick close to you, just as you will to them during the holiday weekend. Together, you will be better equipped to resist the temptations of the festivities happening all around you. It’s easier to manage cravings when you are in the company of people who are also working to improve their lives. Regular check-ins with your sponsor or recovery mentor are of the utmost importance, as well. What’s more, be sure to have your phone charged and the ringer on (provided you are not in a meeting); you never know, a fellow member might reach out to you for assistance.
Together: We Stay Sober
Hemet Valley Recovery Center & Sage Retreat would like to wish you a happy, safe, and sober New Year’s Eve. All of us are pulling for your continued success, and together with your peers, you can bring in 2018 on a healthy footing. If you find yourself struggling, pick up the phone and reach out for help. The helping hand of recovery is always there for you.