have fun without alcohol
September 30, 2022

How to Have Fun Without Alcohol

When you first get sober, you may worry about what it will be like to avoid drinking in the future. What's more, if your life has revolved around alcohol or drug use for years, you may wonder what to do now to have a good time. After all, in...

neuropathic pain
September 22, 2022

Neuropathic Pain Explained

September is Pain Awareness Month: an observance meant to educate people about different types of pain, the deeper problems that these sensations can indicate, and the effective treatments available today. One lesser-known issue that can affect many areas of the body is neuropathic pain. People of all ages are...

national recovery month
September 12, 2022

How to Celebrate Recovery Month

Countless tragic overdoses are on the news all the time. Something that isn't discussed as often but should be is that people are recovering from substance use disorders and living fulfilling lives. According to a recent study, 22.35 million Americans are currently living in recovery.  Substance use disorders and mental...

what causes kidney failure
September 2, 2022

What Causes Kidney Failure?

The kidneys play a key function in filtering waste products from your blood. When kidneys lose their ability to filter, this waste can build up in your system, disrupting your blood’s chemical makeup. Kidney failure, sometimes referred to as renal failure or acute kidney injury, can develop quickly—sometimes over...

polysubstance abuse explained
August 31, 2022

Polysubstance Use Explained

Most people associate substance use disorders with only one specific drug, such as opioids or alcohol. However, polysubstance use, also known as multi-drug dependence, is a concern as well. When this occurs, it can significantly increase the risk of accidental overdose, and may require specific treatment approaches to address...

signs of overdose
August 25, 2022

Signs of Overdose

Alcohol, drugs and various medications can overwhelm your body if you take too much. When this happens, it results in an overdose. Overdoses are dangerous because they can cause brain damage or death. With International Overdose Awareness Day approaching on Aug. 31, here’s how to recognize the warning signs...

long-term effects of cocaine
August 18, 2022

Long-Term Effects of Cocaine

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant that creates an energetic euphoria. When people take cocaine, they may feel more alert, talkative and sensitive to stimuli like sound and light. The drug creates these effects by flooding the brain with a neurotransmitter called dopamine.  Dopamine is a natural chemical messenger that...

signs of alcohol poisoning
August 11, 2022

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

With all the colorful marketing and social acceptability surrounding alcohol, we tend to forget it is an addictive and dangerous drug. And, like any drug, alcohol can cause an overdose if people drink more than their bodies can process. Alcohol poisoning is a severe, potentially fatal consequence of drinking...