mental health stigma
May 11, 2023

The Stigma of Mental Illness

Though we have made noteworthy strides in our understanding and treatment of mental health disorders, a persistent stigma has made it more challenging for many people who need help to receive it. For example, you may hesitate to pursue a diagnosis because you fear it will limit opportunities or...

you can't save everyone
April 21, 2023

You Can’t Save Everyone

Achieving lasting sobriety by ending your relationship with drugs and alcohol is a significant accomplishment. Once you realize how much better you feel, learn to let go of internalized guilt and have more enthusiasm for life, it’s only natural to want your loved ones to experience the same benefits....

loneliness and depression among older adults
April 13, 2023

Loneliness and Depression Among Older Adults

Depression is a potentially debilitating mental health challenge that affects millions of people worldwide. While the causes are complex and varied, loneliness and isolation are significant factors – especially among older adults. Older adults are more vulnerable to loneliness because they are more likely to face traumatic life events such...

the role of shame in recovery
April 6, 2023

The Role of Shame in Recovery

Shame is a complex emotion that often takes a larger-than-life role in the lives of people working to overcome a substance use disorder. During active addiction, you may have done or said things you knew were harmful, but still felt powerless to stop. When you are in recovery, these...

weed hangover
March 30, 2023

Weed Hangover: Signs of Cannabis Use Disorder

While you can expect to be hungover if you drink too much alcohol, you may be surprised to wake up with uncomfortable symptoms the day after using marijuana. Since cannabis affects your body differently than alcohol, a weed hangover typically has less severe consequences than a night of binge...

what causes bipolar disorder
March 23, 2023

What Causes Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health issue that causes dramatic mood swings. During a manic episode, you may feel unusually energetic, happy and euphoric, while the lows of a depressive period can rob you of your zest for life. The mood changes of bipolar disorder can range in length...

stress relief
March 16, 2023

7 Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Today’s fast-paced, demanding culture causes many people to struggle with daily stress. Work, family responsibilities and household finances are parts of everyday life that frequently contribute to elevated stress levels. You may also be more vulnerable to stress due to factors like genetics, a lack of social support and...

how to stop enabling
March 9, 2023

How to Stop Enabling Your Grown Child

As a parent, you want what’s best for your child throughout every stage of life. It can be difficult to let go as they grow into adulthood, especially when you have fond memories of the stages in their life when they relied on you for everything. Enabling is a...