March 22, 2017

Family History Alcoholism and Hangovers

It is widely accepted that people, with a family history of alcoholism, are themselves at a greater risk of developing an alcohol use disorder than their peers, who do not have a similar background. People who have a family history of alcoholism are four times more likely to experience...

March 9, 2017

Opioid Addiction Among Older Adults

Anyone is susceptible to a drug overdose. Anyone! Attempting to wrap one’s head around the opioid addiction epidemic in America can cause one to become apoplectic with rage at the staggering death toll associated with this class of narcotics. After nearly two decades of heightened abuse rates and roughly...

February 23, 2017

Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative

Last summer, we wrote at length about the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI). Since that time, we are pleased to report that versions of the program have been adopted all over the country. In case you were not able to read the article about PAARI, otherwise known...

January 4, 2017

New Targets for Gambling Addiction

Last October we cited research from over a decade ago, that had drawn parallels between gambling addiction and substance use disorders. Psychiatrist Hans Breiter conducted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans on people playing slot machines, like the ones you find in casinos. The MRIs showed a similar picture to...