September 25, 2018

4 Holistic Therapies That May Help Your Recovery

When used with traditional addiction treatment, holistic therapies have been proved to help both the physical and psychological effects of addiction. Alternative treatments are becoming more mainstream for helping people with substance use disorders develop the necessary skills for long-term sobriety. What’s more, holistic therapy is being used among patients...

September 7, 2018

National Recovery Month: Join the Voices for Recovery

Hemet Valley Recovery Center and Sage Retreat would like to use this opportunity to acknowledge the thousands of men and women dedicated to helping another find recovery at treatment centers, recovery centers, and meeting houses across the country. We would also like to take a moment to celebrate those...

August 17, 2018

Binge Drinking Carries Significant Risks

Alcohol, the drug of choice of most Americans, is often considered to be safe, despite significant evidence to the contrary. It makes sense that people think the substance is benign, after all, you can purchase beer, liquor, and wine just about anywhere—in some places around the clock. Even young...

August 1, 2018

High Temps Can Impact Your Recovery

When people are comfortable, they feel better; simple, right!? It’s the inverse that is of particular concern especially regarding those recovering from addiction or another form of mental illness. In the field of mental health, recovery is dependent on balance, calmness, and serenity. Naturally, outside factors can impact people’s...

June 28, 2018

CDC Director Discusses Opioids, Suicide, and HIV

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a new director, Dr. Robert Redfield. While his recent appointment led many people to voice their reservations, most individuals will find it hard to argue with the Redfield goals. In Dr. Redfield's first interview, he expressed a desire to tackle...